#PublicSchoolSuccess Image Generator

The amazing people at Badass Teachers Association put together an excellent Twitter campaign featuring notable public school graduates.  Some examples:


To make something like this go viral, though, will take thousands more contributions.

So, I threw together an app that will let people add their face to the image and post it to their favorite social media.

The #PublicSchoolSuccess App

Step 1: Go to adamlabay.net/fbtag/uploader.html
Step 2: Upload a picture of your face.
Step 3: Save the resulting image.
Step 4: Tweet it to @BetsyDeVos and make sure to use the hashtag #PublicSchoolSuccess. If you have the space, copy @BadassTeachersA as well.
Step 5: Spread the gospel.

The Code

To be clear, I did pitifully little to create this.  All the grunt work was done by Shane Chism and I just tweaked the code.  That said, if you want the gory details, I’ll post them shortly.

Posted by Adam Labay, 1 comment

PowerSchool ISA Report for DC Schools

If you’re a DC school that uses PowerSchool as your SIS, then you’ve probably faced the situation where none of the attendance reports properly match the In-Seat Attendance (ISA) reports in Qlik.

I still can’t speak to the exact mechanics of why the two reports differ, but to bridge the gap I put together a report for the SQLReports4 package that calculates ISA using the same method as Qlik.

A few notes:

  1. All students need to have a Full-Time Equivalency (FTE) assigned.  Generally, this happens by default when a student is added to PowerSchool, but sometimes it doesn’t register.
  2. The report’s first parameter lets you decide whether to report Year-to-Date or over a date range.
    • Both cases will return the ISA% by month and grade.
    • If the date range is specified, grade and schoolwide values for the range will be returned.
    • If the date range is not specified, grade and schoolwide values YTD will be returned.

The code:

<ReportName>In-Seat Attendance</ReportName>
<ReportTitle>In-Seat Attendance</ReportTitle>
<ReportDescription>%ISA [(Students Present * Days Present)/(Students Enrolled * Days Enrolled)] per grade, per month.</ReportDescription>
<SQLQuery><textarea name="UF-0060051129">WITH mem_days AS
SELECT to_char(cd.Date_Value, 'MM/YYYY') m, s.Grade_Level gl, COUNT(cd.Date_Value) dm

FROM Students s
INNER JOIN Terms t ON t.YearID = ~(curyearid) AND s.SchoolID = t.SchoolID
INNER JOIN Calendar_Day cd ON s.EntryDate &lt;= cd.Date_Value AND s.ExitDate &gt;= cd.Date_Value AND s.SchoolID = cd.SchoolID AND t.FirstDay &lt;= cd.Date_Value

cd.Date_Value &lt;= (CASE WHEN '%param1%' = 'Yes' THEN to_date('%param3%', 'MM/DD/YYYY') ELSE SYSDATE END)
AND cd.Date_Value &gt;= (CASE WHEN '%param1%' = 'Yes' THEN to_date('%param2%', 'MM/DD/YYYY') ELSE to_date('1/1/1900', 'MM/DD/YYYY') END)
AND cd.MembershipValue = 1

GROUP BY to_char(cd.Date_Value, 'MM/YYYY'), s.Grade_Level
, att_days AS
SELECT to_char(cd.Date_Value, 'MM/YYYY') m, s.Grade_Level gl, COUNT(att.Att_Date) da

FROM Students s
INNER JOIN Terms t ON t.YearID = ~(curyearid) AND s.SchoolID = t.SchoolID
INNER JOIN Calendar_Day cd ON s.EntryDate &lt;= cd.Date_Value AND s.ExitDate &gt;= cd.Date_Value AND s.SchoolID = cd.SchoolID AND t.FirstDay &lt;= cd.Date_Value
INNER JOIN Attendance att ON s.ID = att.StudentID AND cd.Date_Value = att.Att_Date
INNER JOIN Attendance_Code attc ON att.Attendance_CodeID = attc.ID

cd.Date_Value &lt;= (CASE WHEN '%param1%' = 'Yes' THEN to_date('%param3%', 'MM/DD/YYYY') ELSE SYSDATE END)
AND cd.Date_Value &gt;= (CASE WHEN '%param1%' = 'Yes' THEN to_date('%param2%', 'MM/DD/YYYY') ELSE to_date('1/1/1900', 'MM/DD/YYYY') END)
AND cd.MembershipValue = 1
AND att.Att_Mode_Code = 'ATT_ModeDaily'
AND attc.Presence_Status_CD = 'Present'

GROUP BY to_char(cd.Date_Value, 'MM/YYYY'), s.Grade_Level
,isa AS
SELECT to_char(to_date(mem_days.m, 'MM/YYYY'), 'YYYY') y, to_char(to_date(mem_days.m, 'MM/YYYY'), 'Month') m, mem_days.gl gl, ROUND(att_days.da/mem_days.dm*100, 2) pct
FROM mem_days
INNER JOIN att_days ON mem_days.m = att_days.m AND mem_days.gl = att_days.gl
ORDER BY mem_days.m, gl
, isa_sch AS
SELECT mem_days.m md, to_char(to_date(mem_days.m, 'MM/YYYY'), 'YYYY') y, to_char(to_date(mem_days.m, 'MM/YYYY'), 'Month') m, 'All' gl, ROUND(SUM(att_days.da)/SUM(mem_days.dm)*100, 2) pct
FROM mem_days
INNER JOIN att_days ON mem_days.m = att_days.m AND mem_days.gl = att_days.gl
GROUP BY mem_days.m, to_char(to_date(mem_days.m, 'MM/YYYY'), 'YYYY'), to_char(to_date(mem_days.m, 'MM/YYYY'), 'Month')
ORDER BY mem_days.m
,isa_ytd AS
SELECT (CASE WHEN '%param1%' = 'Yes' THEN 'Range' ELSE 'YTD' END) y, (CASE WHEN '%param1%' = 'Yes' THEN '%param2%' || ' - ' || '%param3%' ELSE 'YTD' END) m, mem_days.gl gl, ROUND(SUM(att_days.da)/SUM(mem_days.dm)*100, 2) pct
FROM mem_days
INNER JOIN att_days ON mem_days.m = att_days.m AND mem_days.gl = att_days.gl
GROUP BY mem_days.gl
ORDER BY mem_days.gl
, isa_sch_ytd AS
SELECT (CASE WHEN '%param1%' = 'Yes' THEN 'Range' ELSE 'YTD' END) y, (CASE WHEN '%param1%' = 'Yes' THEN '%param2%' || ' - ' || '%param3%' ELSE 'YTD' END) m, 'All' gl, ROUND(SUM(att_days.da)/SUM(mem_days.dm)*100, 2) pct
FROM mem_days
INNER JOIN att_days ON mem_days.m = att_days.m AND mem_days.gl = att_days.gl

SELECT y, m, to_char(gl), pct
FROM isa
SELECT y, m, gl, pct
FROM isa_sch
SELECT y, m, to_char(gl), pct
FROM isa_ytd
SELECT y, m, gl, pct
FROM isa_sch_ytd</textarea></SQLQuery>
<ReportHeader><th>Year</th><th>Month</th><th>Grade Level</th><th>ISA %</th></ReportHeader>
<ParameterName1>Custom Date Range</ParameterName1>
<ParameterName2>Start Date</ParameterName2>
<ParameterName3>End Date</ParameterName3>
Posted by Adam Labay, 0 comments

For My PGCPS Friends: The What-If Report

There’s ongoing and increasing talk of the Growth Mindset going around.

And, more often than not, all it amounts to is bulletin boards chock-full of motivational sayings.  And little else.

Instead, wouldn’t it be nice to do something for your students that actually helps them connect effort and achievement?

Enter the What-If report.

Say you’re like me, and have that kid (or kids, or all of your kids) who never completes more than 60% of an assignment.  Frequently-cited reasons include:

  • I don’t know what I’m doing, so my score’s not going to improve by doing more work anyway.
  • 60% is passing, isn’t it?
  • It’s just not worth my time.

To start proving to them that the work would have paid off, I started placing three grades at the top of each assignment:

  1. Your grade in my class right now
  2. Your score on this assignment
  3. What your class grade would have been if you had received full credit on this assignment.

The kids loved it and started putting forth more effort.  This is even more effective if you do make-up assignments or have a robust system in place for revision.

Here’s how to do it:

Step 1: Pull a grade report from SchoolMax.

Go into SchoolMax, click on Reports >> Grades, and pull a “Student Assignments and Grade Listing” Report.

Make sure to export to CSV.


Step 2: Make a copy of this Google Spreadsheet.


Click the screenshot, go to File >> Make a Copy, and it’s yours to work with.

Or, open the file directly from the link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1DqFpyRWkPW8_ARiSechFnw0Nj6lUNtxaiP1tdC57QUY/edit#gid=0

Step 3: Insert the grade report into the What-If Spreadsheet.

Open the tab named GR101.CSV, delete all the contents, and paste the contents of your grade report.

Step 4: Pick the assignment.

Return to the first sheet, and pick an assignment.

Nota Bene: For this to work, all of your assignments in SchoolMax must:

  1. have unique names, i.e. “Homework 9/16/16” instead of just “Homework” each week.
  2. be unique within 40 characters, i.e. “Revised first draft of analytical essay on <<topic>>” will get chopped to “Revised first draft of analytical essay” and you’re back to problem (a).

Step 5: Read off the appropriate values.

Note: This was written for 3 reporting categories, as tends to be the case in PGCPS.  If there are more than 3 categories, you’re screwed.  Let me know and we’ll work something out.

Step 6: Enjoy a lovely beverage.


Posted by Adam Labay, 0 comments

PowerSchool SQLReport: Assignment List and Projected GPA

A vice principal wanted a report that can be given weekly to Homeroom teachers, which provides them with each of their students’:

  • Current grade in each class
  • Average by category (Homework, Classwork, Assessment) in each class
  • Projected GPA

The code is below if you want to use it for yourself.  This is intended to be used with SQLReports4.  If you don’t have it on your PS server, I strongly encourage its addition.

A few notes:

  1. You need to specify the GPA Calculation method.  Mine are named “Projected GPA %%” where %% is the term name.  Change to suit your needs.
  2. If a category has no assignments for a student (possibly from exemptions), it is not included in the report at all.
  3. If a category has a denominator of zero (say, the only assignment was extra credit), then the percent is blank.

The code:

Continue reading →

Posted by Adam Labay, 0 comments

Migrating Google Apps: Copy Folder Utility

All things being equal, migrating your Google Drive from one account to another should be easy:

  1. Transfer ownership of all files to the new account
  2. Profit

Unfortunately, if your account is on a Google Apps Domain, your administrator may have disabled ownership outside the domain.  If it’s Google Apps for Education, they didn’t get a say in the matter at all. (Fair enough – FERPA is a cruel mistress, after all.)

In principle, this doesn’t pose too much of a barrier, expanding the previous process to:

  1. Account A shares all files with Account B
  2. Account B creates local copies of shared files
  3. Account B trashes the original, shared files
  4. Enjoy a lovely beverage

And if all you have is a pile of files lying around, this isn’t a problem.  But heaven help you if your files are in folders, since Google Drive lacks folder-copying (also known as xcopy) functionality.

Enter a guy named Eric, whose Copy Folder extension basically saved my behind.  Steps 1-4 above now apply, with the added bonus that the extension automatically removes the irritating “Copy of…” prefix from all the new files.  Brilliant!

It does seem to have the odd issue with enormous collections (>500 files in a folder), but all told I was able to save an estimated 20,000 files in a week, impossible by any other method.

Posted by Adam Labay, 0 comments