PowerSchool ISA Report for DC Schools

If you’re a DC school that uses PowerSchool as your SIS, then you’ve probably faced the situation where none of the attendance reports properly match the In-Seat Attendance (ISA) reports in Qlik.

I still can’t speak to the exact mechanics of why the two reports differ, but to bridge the gap I put together a report for the SQLReports4 package that calculates ISA using the same method as Qlik.

A few notes:

  1. All students need to have a Full-Time Equivalency (FTE) assigned.  Generally, this happens by default when a student is added to PowerSchool, but sometimes it doesn’t register.
  2. The report’s first parameter lets you decide whether to report Year-to-Date or over a date range.
    • Both cases will return the ISA% by month and grade.
    • If the date range is specified, grade and schoolwide values for the range will be returned.
    • If the date range is not specified, grade and schoolwide values YTD will be returned.

The code:

<ReportName>In-Seat Attendance</ReportName>
<ReportTitle>In-Seat Attendance</ReportTitle>
<ReportDescription>%ISA [(Students Present * Days Present)/(Students Enrolled * Days Enrolled)] per grade, per month.</ReportDescription>
<SQLQuery><textarea name="UF-0060051129">WITH mem_days AS
SELECT to_char(cd.Date_Value, 'MM/YYYY') m, s.Grade_Level gl, COUNT(cd.Date_Value) dm

FROM Students s
INNER JOIN Terms t ON t.YearID = ~(curyearid) AND s.SchoolID = t.SchoolID
INNER JOIN Calendar_Day cd ON s.EntryDate &lt;= cd.Date_Value AND s.ExitDate &gt;= cd.Date_Value AND s.SchoolID = cd.SchoolID AND t.FirstDay &lt;= cd.Date_Value

cd.Date_Value &lt;= (CASE WHEN '%param1%' = 'Yes' THEN to_date('%param3%', 'MM/DD/YYYY') ELSE SYSDATE END)
AND cd.Date_Value &gt;= (CASE WHEN '%param1%' = 'Yes' THEN to_date('%param2%', 'MM/DD/YYYY') ELSE to_date('1/1/1900', 'MM/DD/YYYY') END)
AND cd.MembershipValue = 1

GROUP BY to_char(cd.Date_Value, 'MM/YYYY'), s.Grade_Level
, att_days AS
SELECT to_char(cd.Date_Value, 'MM/YYYY') m, s.Grade_Level gl, COUNT(att.Att_Date) da

FROM Students s
INNER JOIN Terms t ON t.YearID = ~(curyearid) AND s.SchoolID = t.SchoolID
INNER JOIN Calendar_Day cd ON s.EntryDate &lt;= cd.Date_Value AND s.ExitDate &gt;= cd.Date_Value AND s.SchoolID = cd.SchoolID AND t.FirstDay &lt;= cd.Date_Value
INNER JOIN Attendance att ON s.ID = att.StudentID AND cd.Date_Value = att.Att_Date
INNER JOIN Attendance_Code attc ON att.Attendance_CodeID = attc.ID

cd.Date_Value &lt;= (CASE WHEN '%param1%' = 'Yes' THEN to_date('%param3%', 'MM/DD/YYYY') ELSE SYSDATE END)
AND cd.Date_Value &gt;= (CASE WHEN '%param1%' = 'Yes' THEN to_date('%param2%', 'MM/DD/YYYY') ELSE to_date('1/1/1900', 'MM/DD/YYYY') END)
AND cd.MembershipValue = 1
AND att.Att_Mode_Code = 'ATT_ModeDaily'
AND attc.Presence_Status_CD = 'Present'

GROUP BY to_char(cd.Date_Value, 'MM/YYYY'), s.Grade_Level
,isa AS
SELECT to_char(to_date(mem_days.m, 'MM/YYYY'), 'YYYY') y, to_char(to_date(mem_days.m, 'MM/YYYY'), 'Month') m, mem_days.gl gl, ROUND(att_days.da/mem_days.dm*100, 2) pct
FROM mem_days
INNER JOIN att_days ON mem_days.m = att_days.m AND mem_days.gl = att_days.gl
ORDER BY mem_days.m, gl
, isa_sch AS
SELECT mem_days.m md, to_char(to_date(mem_days.m, 'MM/YYYY'), 'YYYY') y, to_char(to_date(mem_days.m, 'MM/YYYY'), 'Month') m, 'All' gl, ROUND(SUM(att_days.da)/SUM(mem_days.dm)*100, 2) pct
FROM mem_days
INNER JOIN att_days ON mem_days.m = att_days.m AND mem_days.gl = att_days.gl
GROUP BY mem_days.m, to_char(to_date(mem_days.m, 'MM/YYYY'), 'YYYY'), to_char(to_date(mem_days.m, 'MM/YYYY'), 'Month')
ORDER BY mem_days.m
,isa_ytd AS
SELECT (CASE WHEN '%param1%' = 'Yes' THEN 'Range' ELSE 'YTD' END) y, (CASE WHEN '%param1%' = 'Yes' THEN '%param2%' || ' - ' || '%param3%' ELSE 'YTD' END) m, mem_days.gl gl, ROUND(SUM(att_days.da)/SUM(mem_days.dm)*100, 2) pct
FROM mem_days
INNER JOIN att_days ON mem_days.m = att_days.m AND mem_days.gl = att_days.gl
GROUP BY mem_days.gl
ORDER BY mem_days.gl
, isa_sch_ytd AS
SELECT (CASE WHEN '%param1%' = 'Yes' THEN 'Range' ELSE 'YTD' END) y, (CASE WHEN '%param1%' = 'Yes' THEN '%param2%' || ' - ' || '%param3%' ELSE 'YTD' END) m, 'All' gl, ROUND(SUM(att_days.da)/SUM(mem_days.dm)*100, 2) pct
FROM mem_days
INNER JOIN att_days ON mem_days.m = att_days.m AND mem_days.gl = att_days.gl

SELECT y, m, to_char(gl), pct
FROM isa
SELECT y, m, gl, pct
FROM isa_sch
SELECT y, m, to_char(gl), pct
FROM isa_ytd
SELECT y, m, gl, pct
FROM isa_sch_ytd</textarea></SQLQuery>
<ReportHeader><th>Year</th><th>Month</th><th>Grade Level</th><th>ISA %</th></ReportHeader>
<ParameterName1>Custom Date Range</ParameterName1>
<ParameterName2>Start Date</ParameterName2>
<ParameterName3>End Date</ParameterName3>

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